RESPUESTA A LA PREGUNTA 11073 - VISUAL BASIC Lo que tienes que poner en el codigo dentro de la forma, es algo parecido a esto: Dim strDisplayName As String Dim bStarted As Boolean strDisplayName = NTService1.DisplayName StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Cargado" If Command = "-install" Then ' enable interaction with desktop NTService1.Interactive = True If NTService1.Install Then Call NTService1.SaveSetting("Parameters", "TimerInterval", "1000") MsgBox strDisplayName & " installed successfully" Else MsgBox strDisplayName & " failed to install" End If End ElseIf Command = "-uninstall" Then If NTService1.Uninstall Then MsgBox strDisplayName & " uninstalled successfully" Else MsgBox strDisplayName & " failed to uninstall" End If End ElseIf Command = "-debug" Then NTService1.Debug = True ElseIf Command <> "" Then MsgBox "Invalid command option" End End If y en la misma estructura del código tendras que colocar estas rutinas: Private Sub NTService1_Continue(Success As Boolean) On Error GoTo Err_Continue Success = True Call NTService1.LogEvent(svcEventInformation, svcMessageInfo, "Service continued") Exit Sub Err_Continue: Call NTService1.LogEvent(svcMessageError, svcEventError, "[" & Err.Number & "] " & Err.Description) End Sub Private Sub NTService1_Pause(Success As Boolean) On Error GoTo Err_Pause Timer.Enabled = False StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Paused" Call NTService1.LogEvent(svcEventError, svcMessageError, "Service paused") Success = True Exit Sub Err_Pause: Call NTService1.LogEvent(svcMessageError, svcEventError, "[" & Err.Number & "] " & Err.Description) End Sub Private Sub NTService1_Start(Success As Boolean) On Error GoTo Err_Start StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Running" Success = True Exit Sub Err_Start: Call NTService1.LogEvent(svcMessageError, svcEventError, "[" & Err.Number & "] " & Err.Description) End Sub Private Sub NTService1_Stop() On Error GoTo Err_Stop StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Stopped" Unload Me Exit Sub Err_Stop: Call NTService1.LogEvent(svcMessageError, svcEventError, "[" & Err.Number & "] " & Err.Description) End Sub Arturo González E.