La Web del Programador: Comunidad de Programadores
Autor:  Alejandro Nolazco Guerrero
Quiero imprimir el contenido de un msflexgrid como si imprimiera un RichTextBox pero solo me imprime la primera celda.
Quiero saber la forma de imprimir el contenido de un msflexgrid.

  Respuesta:  Oswaldo Monagas
Con el siguiente codigo tienes:

Print a FlexGrid control

For each row, loop through the row's columns printing the control's values.

Private Sub PrintFlexGrid(ByVal ptr As Object, ByVal flx As MSFlexGrid, ByVal xmin As Single, ByVal ymin As Single)
Const GAP = 60

Dim xmax As Single
Dim ymax As Single
Dim X As Single
Dim c As Integer
Dim r As Integer

With flxData
' See how wide the whole thing is.
xmax = xmin + GAP
For c = 0 To .Cols - 1
xmax = xmax + .ColWidth(c) + 2 * GAP
Next c

' Print each row.
ptr.CurrentY = ymin
For r = 0 To .Rows - 1
' Draw a line above this row.
If r > 0 Then ptr.Line (xmin, ptr.CurrentY)-(xmax, ptr.CurrentY)
ptr.CurrentY = ptr.CurrentY + GAP

' Print the entries on this row.
X = xmin + GAP
For c = 0 To .Cols - 1
ptr.CurrentX = X
ptr.Print BoundedText(.TextMatrix(r, c), .ColWidth(c));
X = X + .ColWidth(c) + 2 * GAP
Next c
ptr.CurrentY = ptr.CurrentY + GAP

' Move to the next line.
Next r
ymax = ptr.CurrentY

' Draw a box around everything.
ptr.Line (xmin, ymin)-(xmax, ymax), , B

' Draw lines between the columns.
X = xmin
For c = 0 To .Cols - 2
X = X + .ColWidth(c) + 2 * GAP
ptr.Line (X, ymin)-(X, ymax)
Next c
End With
End Sub

Oswaldo Monagas